Search Islam

by duetianmehedishuvo



Search Islam is an Android app that contains the Holy Quran, Hadith, Namaz, Ajifa, Doa, Labbaik, Rules of Ramadan, Prayer Schedule, Tasbeeh Count and all other necessary Islamic information to discuss about Islam and ask various Islamic questions. For a live Q&A section. And you can use all our features for free, it has no ads, can be searched by Bangla Phonetic. Search Islam Apps has been developed for Bengali Muslim brothers and sisters in Kolkata and Myanmar with Bangladesh.Search Islam will get more:পারবেন You can read and listen to the Holy Quran Sura and Para in order and there are 3 formats in Arabic• Arabic font family and font size customization facilities are available everywhere.ব্যবস্থা Arrangements have been made to select different reciters to listen to the recitation of the Holy Quran.ব্যবস্থা There is a system of selecting madhhabs for the schedule of prayersনাম The schedule of prayers has been arranged according to the specific location.• 300+ prayers, sorted by topic.কিছু Some vocabulary of the Quran has been highlighted for easy understanding of the Quran.• Live comments section has been arranged. Where users can discuss Islam by asking different types of questions.• Sahih Ajifa has been added.• 50+ authentic hadiths have been added.আরও Many more Islamic rules have been mentioned including prayers, ablutions, baths, tayammum etc.• You can easily know the correct direction of Qibla through compass, which will help you to pray facing Qibla.নিন Find out the location of the nearest mosque according to your location.Digital tasbih system.Arabic calendar.• Allahumma labbaika la sharikalaka labbaika sound has been added.• There are various Islamic blogs."If anyone calls to guidance, he will have the same reward as everyone who follows him, but there will be no shortage of rewards for those who follow him." [Sahih Muslim: 28]Share with your relatives, friendsMay Allah bless us in this world and in the Hereafter. "Amen".